A launch of “A Golden Era” by Michael Gygax will take place in the Clonliffe Harriers Bar at 9.00 pm on Thursday 15 th of September after the Grand Prix/Club 10,000 Championships for the Bonass Trophy that night.
This is a book that all sports fans will love. Those with a love of athletics in particular will enjoy even more. Those with a love for all things Clonliffe even more so!
A comprehensive insight into Irish athletics through the eyes of Master athletes. A very engaging and engaging work.
The most comprehensive book out on IRISH ATHLETICS IN OVER TWO DECADES. This book celebrates many Clonliffe Athletes with chapters on Padraig Keane, Frank Murphy, Jean O`Neill, Pat Bonass, Jimmy Bennett, Jerry Kiernan, Hugo Duggan, Danny McDaid to mention just a few. Click here to view contents: a golden era contents
Michael Gygax will be in Clonliffe with his book on September 15th. Clonliffe members, and friends from the wider athletes family are encouraged to attend to support this great work by Michael.