After the brilliant night of international athletics enjoyed at Morton Games in the stadium on Friday night life all round is starting to return to normal and like everything else the sport continues on. So, with apologies for the delay, here is the weekend roundup as best can be put together at this stage.
The AAI Games took place on Sunday in Morton Stadium, thanks to David Dunwoody here’s a summery of Clonliffe results:
200m Women Senior: Snezhana Bechtina 5th 26.95 Heat 4 100m (series 1) Women Senior: Snezhana Bechtina 4th 13.70 Heat 4 High Jump Senior Women: Snezhana Bechtina 2nd 1.40
3000m s/c M50: David Dunwoody , 1st 11:59.34 (national record) Hammer Throw Men Senior: Simon Galligan ,2nd -57:89 ,Hammer Throw Women Senior: Frances Mansfield 9th 16:12 Heavy Hammer (25lbs) M50: Niall Allen 1st 13.34 Discus Throw Women Senior: Frances Mansfield 12th 11.00 100m (Series 1) Men Senior: Pierce Friel 5th 11.33 Heat 1 100m (series 1) Men Senior: Kenji Miyauchi 5th 11.38 Heat 3100m (series 1) Men Senior: Adam Festus 9th 12:17 Heat 2100m (series 2) Senior Men: Kenji Miyauchi 4th 11.36 Heat 2100m (series 2) Senior Men: Eamon Fahey 5th 11.69 Heat 3100m (series 2) Senior Men: Adam Festus 4th 12.42 Heat 5 1500m Men Senior: Adam Benjscar 8th 4.11.02 Heat 2 1500m Men Senior: Jack Quinn 13th 4.22.33 Heat 2 400m H Senior Men: David Davitt 1st 52.97 Heat 1
On Sunday in Swords, North Dublin, there was a huge turnout of Clonliffe Harriers for the Fingal 10k, both on the officiating and competition front. 1st Clonliffe athlete home was Sergiu Ciobanu in 7th place and 1st M40 in 32.32. 1st Clonliffe woman was Yulia Tarasova, 38.25, and 1st W35.