More from the Golden girls at last night of Dublin Juveniles

The Dublin Juvenile Track and Field Championships finally concluded last night in Tallaght. The track action was the even age relays where the U/16 4 x 100 team took gold.

Juvenile Captain Gladys Cooper reports: A great nights athletics at Tallaght last night first to take a gold medal for Clonliffe was Emma McDonnell in the U/14 high jump (deferred from a rain interrupted championship last week). Next were the U/16 girls 4 x 100. Both of the girls U/14 teams made it through to the final and finished up in silver and a brave 4th position. The U/12 4 x 100 boys won bronze and finally great battling runs by the U/14 boys and U/12 girls who also made their finals. Well done all!