Event Sponsors:
Brother Schools Cross Country: Brother
The Clonliffe 2: Kavanaghs ‘The Gravediggers’
Clonliffe Harriers Grand Prix Series: Maurce Ahern, Pat Bonass, Pamela Cooper, Noel Guiden, the Murphy family, Eugene McCarrick.
Become a Supporter of Clonliffe Harriers A.C.
Sponsorship is vital to the future of Clonliffe Harriers. Clonliffe Harriers supports its athletes through membership subscriptions, the operation of the club bar, the club’s weekly lotto, our race promotions and sponsorship. All funding we receive on an annual basis goes back into the club and into the club’s athletes.
If you or your company are interested in becoming a supporter of Clonliffe Harriers we would be delighted to hear from you. There is no set fee to becoming a supporter of Clonliffe Harriers as we are extremely grateful for any contributions made.
If becoming a supporter of Clonliffe Harriers is something which appeals to you feel free to contact the Honorary Secretary of Clonliffe Harriers Stephen Bateson by mail: sbateson.clonliffeharriersac@gmail.com