News from the US of Aaron Hanlon being awarded The Big Easy Athlete of the Week, as a result of his excellent run in last weekend`s Battle in Beantown Cross Country where he placed 24th and 1st scorer for Providence College.
Brian Flanagan also (thankfully) continues to keep us updated on his first US Cross Country season: “This week, myself and the team ran the last home meet this morning here in Lake Charles. I finished 5th and was the 4th scorer this time for the Cowboys. Distance was 4 miles XC and I finished in 20:01.4. Had a very less then desirable week of “training” leading up to this. It was my third week of racing in a row and I was still very much feeling the effects of that 8km race last week in Texas. Nevertheless progress is progress and it is what it is. Hopefully all of the niggles are now behind me as we get ready for two weeks of solid training before flying to Prinston New Jersey for the Princeton invitational on Saturday week (Oct 14th) for another 8km race in much cooler conditions to get ready for conference.”