The Weekend round up brings us far and near. Starting off Friday the 24th in Staten Island, New York where Aaron Hanlon was running for Providence College in the 5000m at the Big East Indoor Championships. A pretty good run by Aaron who was always in the lead pack to finish 6th in 14.32.67.
(English National XC: Jayme hits a muddy patch!)
On Saturday Jayme Rossister had a very good outing in the English National Cross Country held in Wollaton Park, Nottingham placing 55th (42.08) in a huge field of well over 1,000 starters.
Closer home Sean Doran was 3rd in the Fitzer 5k in Dunalk (16.40).
Sunday and Sean Doran placed 4th in another 5k road race, Dunleek 5k in 16.48. The Leinster Indoors also took place in Abbottstown, separate report posted later.