What better introduction to the Brother Schools XC than seeing: https://youtu.be/O2yeHYN44Ho
Clonliffe Harriers began promoting a schools invitational cross country event in the late 1970`s. The first winners in 1978 were St. Malachys College, Belfast who went on to win for four successive years. These cross country events were very popular attracting big numbers from all over Ireland to Santry. The Clonliffe School`s Invitational continued until 1994 when the last race was held, there were problems with a venue as at this stage substancial development works began in what was then known as Santry Woods. This event was revised in 2009 and, thanks to the support Clonliffe Harriers received from event sponsors Brother, and from Fingal County Council, who oblige with the use of Santry Demesne Park, the event has already become one of the top schools events on the athletics calendar. It is an invitational cross country event featuring races for 5th & 6th classes in primary schools and secondary schools minor, junior, inter and senior for both boys and girls. In its few short years since being revised it attracts huge numbers which continue to rise: in 2009 750 competed while 2016 attracted 2000 plus! There are awards for the winning individuals and awards for the winning schools in all races as well as, uniquely for a schools event, souvenir t-shirts for all participants. The best overall school is awarded the Lar Byrne Memorial Shield. The next Brother Race will take place on Wednesday October 1st 2025 at Trinity Sports Grounds, Santry Avenue.
Previous winners of Best Overall School:
1978, 1979, 1980, 1981 St. Malachy`s College, Belfast
1982 Blackrock College
1983 St. Aidans CBS, Whitehall
1984 Blackrock College
1985 Gormanstown College
1986, 1987 Ard Scoil Ris
1988, 1989 St. Aidans CBS, Whitehall
1990 CBS Mullingar
1991 St. Aidans CBS, Whitehall
1992, 1993, 1994 St. Malachy`s College, Belfast
2009 St. Aidans CBS, Whitehall
2010, 2011, 2012 Colaiste Iosagain
2013, 2014 St. Aidans CBS, Whitehall
2015 St. Malachys College, Belfast
2016 St. Aidans CBS, Whitehall
2017 St. Dominics Cabra
2018 St. Malachys College, Belfast
2019 St. Malachys College, Belfast
2020 Event cancelled
2021 Event cancelled
2022 St. Dominics Cabra
2023 St. Dominics Cabra
2024 St. Dominics, Cabra
With thanks to Trinity College, the 2025 Brother Cross Country will take place at Trinity Sports Grounds, Santry Avenue.
The Brother at your side Clonliffe Schools Cross Country will take place on Wednesday the 1st of October 2025 with Primary schools at 12.00pm and secondary schools from 1.00pm.
Time table/Race distances:
Primary Schools:
12.00 4th Class girls 1000M
12.10 4th Class boys 1000M
12.20 5th Class girls 1000M
12.30 5th Class boys 1000M
12.40 6th Class girls 1000M
12.50 6th Class boys 1000M
Secondary Schools:
1.00 Minor girls 1000M
1.15 Minor boys 1500M
1.30 Junior girls 1500M
1.45 Junior boys 2000M
2.00 Inter girls 2000M
2.15 Inter boys 3000M
2.35 Senior girls 2000
2.55 Senior boys 4,000M
- Age groups:
There are no age groups in the Primary School races. The Primary School races are for 4th, 5th class and 6th class (seperated races for each).
Secondary schools:
For Invitation:
August/September: This is an invitational event, schools who have previously supported the event will receive an invitation to take part. Clonliffe Harriers will be delighted to extend an invitation to your school and it is simply a matter of contacting the Race Director for an invitation. There is an entry fee charged per team. For Invitation or any questions on the event contact the race director Noel Guiden by e mail to clonliffeschoolsxc@gmail.com