With two weeks to this year`s schools Invitational, sponsored by Brother a reminder that entry for schools closes in 7 days time, October 1st (individual entries on the day). Wednesday October 8th in Santry Demesne Park is the date. Once again there will be a primary schools race followed by the secondary schools programme from minor up to senior. Invitations have issue to schools who have supported the event in previous years, however, Clonliffe are happy to extend an Invitation to other schools.
Attached to this posting are details, if your school would like to take part the entry form should be printed, completed, scanned in and e mailed back to clonliffeschoolsxc@gmail.com as soon as possible. For safety reasons there is a limited to numbers that can be accommodated. No entries (except individuals) accepted after the October 1st closing date.
Finally any club member, or indeed parent of club members in a position to help out on the day please contact Noel Guiden 0879599888. This is a very big event with circa 1500 young athletes competing so please of help needed.
For Invitation click: Brotherclonliffexc2014