A big turn out this morrning of Clonliffe athletes in Dublin`s Phoenix Park for the Frank Duffy 10 Mile. The Clonliffe pack was lead home by Ciaran McCarthy, in what may well be his final race as a Clonliffe Harrier, in 45th place in 56.40, next in was Davy Byrne 58th (57.42) chased hard by David Brady 59th (57.45). The next Clonliffe battle was won by Mark Bermingham 116th in 59.56 with Tom Sherlock breathing down his neck 117th in 60.00.
Other Clonliffe: Joe Phibbs 61.23, Jeremy Chapman 62.20, Hans De Raeymeaker 64.01, Ross Cadogan 65.35, Brendan Donnolly 65.46, Paddy Tuite 65.46, Neil Branigan 66.04, Anthony O`Brien 67.01, Pat Byrne 67.49, Denis Collins 68.34, Alex Eustace 68.40, Ronan McDermott 70.11, Jacqui Dunphy 70.33, Tom Ennis 72.32, Pat Devitt 74.03 (omissions text name and time to 0879599888)