Alan Worall, the Clonliffe head steward for yesterday`s GloHealth National Novice and Juvenile cross country, sends a note by way of thanks: “On what was possibly one of the coldest days of Winter 2014. The call to help our Club/Sport was answered by a hearty bunch of stewards /officials both young and not so young. After numerous appeals we managed to provide adequate stewarding at the event. As Safety Officer/ Lead Steward on the day, it was great to see a number of the senior and masters athletes generation getting involved and helping out with the Regulars. Everyone gave of their time carried and out their tasks with great professionalism. “Grass roots athletics with none of the frills” is what we witnessed at Santry this is the bedrock of our sport. Where medical assistance was required this was given without haste, stewards made sure that the medical staff got to the injured parties etc in record time. A great day`s competition and a safe day was encountered. Backed by the Clonliffe faithful plus some help from others. Hopefully we can keep this momentum going for future events. Like training you put in, you reap the rewards, the same can be said for giving some to assistance at Club events or when we are asked to host events of this nature.”
The Clonliffe committee echoes fully Alan`s sentiments. Thank you once for your help and good humour it was the warmest thing out there yesterday!!