With the ongoing unprecedented health crisis Clonliffe Harriers wishes to update our members on a number of important matters.All club activities remain cancelled until March 29th at the earliest, please be aware that it is likely that activities will remain cancelled beyond March 29th.
All club training is cancelled until further notice. Athletes should contact their coaches by alternative means to face-to-face for their training schedules to be followed in the meantime. Athletes are reminded of their obligations to themselves and their families to adhere to government and HSE guidelines in particular on social distancing. Therefore athletes are requested to either train solo or in very small groups. Before going running wash your hands. Please also be aware when road running not to press buttons on traffic signals with your bare hands but rather use your sleeve or elbow. When you get back home from your run remember to once again wash your hands thoroughly.
The Clonliffe 2 mile scheduled for May 4 is deferred, hopefully we can get an alternative date later in the year.
The Clonliffe Grand Prix series due to commence on April 2 is deferred. Again it is hoped to pick that series up once again during the course of the season.
The club bar in accordance with government guidelines will close this evening and will remain closed until March 29th or later if so directed. The club lotto is also deferred for the same period.
The Clonliffe AGM scheduled for March 24th is deferred to a later date to be arranged when possible. In the meantime the current committee will remain in a caretaker capacity.
Further updates will be posted and in the meantime please follow all health guidelines to protect yourself and your families and in particular vulnerable groups. We would also strongly recommend that you do not take your advice from social media but only take advice from appropriate sources (eg HSE, RTE, Irish Times, Irish Independent) . If all Irish citizens follow the advice and directions of the health authorities we will prevail. Nil desperandum.