Fingal looking for help with Primary schools XC event in Santry

Bart Rogers: Fingal CC cross country finals will be held in Morton Stadium on Tuesday 4th April from 10am to 1.30pm and are looking for help from anyone from the club who would be so kind as to give a few hours to help. Young athletics from more than 40 primary schools in the Fingal area will be taking part. There will be races on the track and in Santry Demesne during the day which will have some 1600 young people taking part.

If you are available to help from 9.30am to 1.30 pm Niall McGuirk from Fingal CC would be very happy to hear from you and he can be contacted at 0871206431 or e-mail him at  Anytime given will be of great help as you are helping young people to get a taste of athletics in the National Stadium. Many thanks in anticipation of your help.

Bart Rogers                                               “