Morton Games: IMC –v- BMC Frank Horwill 800m

Clonliffe Harriers AC and The Morton Pre-Games are pleased to announce that next month’s Meet will feature an Irish Milers Club versus British Milers Club 800 metre race in memory of Frank Horwill, founder of the British Milers Club. Frank Horwill died on New Years Day 2012 at 84 years of age. In June of 2011 he received an MBE for services to athletics. He was an internationally renowned athletics coach specialising in endurance events and in particular the mile, he coached almost 50 British athletes to international level including Tim Hutchings, Los Angeles Olympian and in June of 1963 he founded the British Milers Club – the objectives of the club back almost 50 years ago now at this stage were ‘to raise the standard of British miling towards supremacy and to increase the knowledge of coaches and others interested in the event’. To say that Frank Horwill and the BMC were successful in this goal is an understatement.

 Mike McGovern of the IMC’s success in securing this event for the Morton Pre-Games is to be applauded. Respective teams will consist of four members of the IMC and four members of the BMC and with the athletes in question having a range of PBs of between 1:47 and 1:49 this race will be an absolute cracker and will be undoubtedly one of the highlights on July 25th.

Athletes interested in racing in the IMC events in the Morton Pre-Games are urged to contact For all other events contact See also
