Sunny times for Clonliffe juveniles in Tallaght

Juvenile Captain’s Report: A Beautiful sunny Tallaght hosted round 2 of the Dublin Athletics League.
U10 to u14 sprinters were up first. Ava Fagan and Millie Ryan finished top 4 in their U12 heats putting them through to Round 2. Lucy Fagan was unlucky to come 5th in her heat. Sarah Thomas took on the Shot as well as the sprint gaining great experience.  Channing O’Shea was persuaded by the very persistent Gladys to give the shot a go and surprised himself.
Fine runs from Rhys Daly as always,  Adam Phelan, a good distance man used the sprints for a speed training session finishing 2nd in his heat. Likewise Seamus Phelan another strong distance runner practiced his sprint finish very well. 
Kate Gill another distance runner took on the 100m sprint surprised herself by getting 2nd in her heat and into round 2. Joel, Arron and Max also did a good speed session ahead of their distance races. 
We were delighted to see Shot throwers in both the boys and girls, Turbo Javelin and Javelin. 
Sophia Tennant, smothered with a cold was not taking this one off and ran a brave 800m. She gave a strong 100m finish and this race and experience will stand to her going forward.
Conor Tyan took a silver in the U16 Javelin with training partner Nakitta taking the Bronze. 
Eoghan Thompson had a fantastic High Jump day and was awarded Silver on Count Back.
Joshua Chalmers and Edy Blaque battled out the 800m with Joshua having an outstanding sprint to take Gold on the line. Edy who isn’t feeling 100% today took a bronze also having a fine run.

Well done to all who went out today.
Additional photos on the Clonliffe Juvenile Instagram page.
Apologies for any omissions.