Members please note that annual subscriptions for membership of Clonliffe Harriers are due during the month of January. The club must register all members with Athletics Ireland by the 31st of January for insurance reasons. Club members will not be registered with Athletics Ireland by Clonliffe Harriers until members have actually paid their subscription for the year to the club. Please note that if an athlete wishes to compete in a championship event you must be registered with Athletes Ireland, if not registered not only can you not compete, but the on line entry system will not allow you to enter the event.
Annual subscriptions are as follows:
Seniors/Masters -€150.00
Students/unwaged (O/18) –€ 100.00
Juveniles –€ 120.00 to include race entry fees.
Members renewing their membership are also asked to print the membership form attached to this posting and to give this together with their annual subscription to their respective club captains or the club treasurer, assistant treasurers or any committee member.
Juvenile members will have received a Membership Renewal Form this must be completed (Block capitals please) and returned to Gladys with fee by Jan 28th.
All members please note that in the event of non registration by end of January you will not be covered by Athletics Ireland Insurance even for training.
Members should also be aware that the club is requesting that all members take a weekly club lotto envelope to either sell or buy themselves. Envelopes should be collected on Tuesday and returned to the clubhouse on Thursday in time for Thursday`s lotto draw.
Click and print: Clonliffe Harriers membership Renewal