Dublin graded meet good to go on Wednesday

After the thoroughly enjoyable club Championships on Tuesday and Thursday comes the great news today that Wednesday evening’s Dublin graded track and field meet at Morton Stadium is indeed proceeding. Entry is long since closed, if you have entered you will receive an email directing you to check in for your race on line. This must be done before 3 PM tomorrow Sunday the 19th. The strong advice to our athletes is do not delay if you receive that email check-in now.

With government health directions and guidelines only providing for 200 people at any event it is vitally important that athletes get their timings correct and arrive at an appropriate time for their event. Do not arrive at the stadium hours before your event. Likewise once your event is over leave the stadium.

It is also vitally important that at this time that the number of spectators is reduced to minimal, in fact even zero might be appropriate during these challenging times.

Clonliffe athletes please take the following into account as part of your planning process:

Arrive at an appropriate time only before your event.

Arrive ready to race. (No dressing rooms!)

Collect your bib number at the allocated time. (Bring own pins)

Please wear a face mask whilst collecting your number (this is primarily for the protection of the officials).

Do your warmup outside of the stadium.

Do not go onto the track until you are called.

After your race please no handshakes, high-fives or hugs.

Leave the track and venue as soon as possible after your event.

Complete your cooldown outside of the stadium.

Please do not bother any officials by looking for your finishing place or finishing time all of this will be available on line.

Bring hand sanitiser and wipes.

Bring your own drinks in a clearly identifiable bottle, do not get your drinks mixed up with anyone else’s and do not share any drinks.

Please please please no spitting.
