Grand Prix Sub Committee: We are delighted to announce The Clonliffe Harriers Grand Prix Series for 2017, Consisting of 16 Races, covering distances from 800 Metres to 10 Miles, on Track, Trail, Grass and Road surfaces, taking place from March to December of this year. Our 1st Race – The Frank White, 5 Mile track race (Ireland’s only 5 Mile track race), takes place on the track on Thursday, March 30th at 8pm with Prizes kindly sponsored by Colm Doran. Full schedule currently being finalised and will be posted on the Grand Prix Series page of this web site soon.
The Series is open to runners from Clonliffe Harriers as well as to Runners from other clubs and especially to runners who may have thought of joining a running club in the past, but put it off. WELL, WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO JOIN US !! (everyone is welcome).
The series is most exciting, as each runner is handicapped throughout the series, giving everyone a chance to compete on an even level. Prizes are awarded for each race along with post race refreshments. Points are awarded following each race and at the series finale in December overall prizes are awarded to the leading runners.
The entry fee is 30.00 euros for the entire series !!! Results for each race are posted on the Clonliffe Harriers website and a live points table will be kept updated throughout the series.
Enter now by obtaining an application from ; Maurice Ahern, John O’Leary, Pamela Cooper, Liam Hennessy, Eoin Murray or Paddy or Caroline Tuite.
We can`t wait to get going on March 30th.
Come join us for what promises to be the best series yet !!!.
DON’T DELAY – ENTER NOW, as numbers may have to be limited !!!