Tonight the country goes to level 5 until December 1. The effect of this on society is well documented elsewhere. All club members are implored to follow fully the government guidelines. From an athletics and Clonliffe Harriers perspective the following applies:
Juvenile athletes who are still attending school can continue to train with the club at organised training sessions.
The restriction on not being able to travel in excess of 5KM does not apply to this group.
These athletes must remain in a strict pod system not exceeding 15, to include the coach.
Morton Stadium continues to be available for these athletes on the usual Clonliffe times: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 PM, Sundays 9:30 AM. The clubhouse will remain closed and athletes must arrive ready to train.
The usual covert 19 criteria applies as regards all athletes must bring hand sanitiser, there can be no physical contact, social distancing must be observed, it is strongly advised that all athletes arriving should wear face masks.
Parents cannot remain at the training session and should not leave their vehicle but rather should leave the stadium and come back at the appointed time for collections.
Coaches must continue to make a booking for their pod with the names and contact numbers of all in the pod. Coaches are advised to wear face coverings at all times.
Athletes must only attend a session at the invitation of their coach. Athletes must therefore remain in contact with their coach. Athletes cannot simply “turn up”.
All athletes U/19, junior, senior, masters must train individually and must remain within 5km of their home. Those athletes cannot train on Clonliffe sessions time. The only exceptions are athletes who fulfill the Athletics Ireland criteria of an elite athlete.
Junior/senior and masters athletes should remain in contact with their coaches for their training schedules for these weeks ahead.
All races and events are cancelled at this time. The national cross country championships are deferred from November 22 to date in the future which has not as yet been advised (earlier information said that this championships can take place at any time up to the end of February)
All our athletes and club members are encouraged to remain positive, keep on training and prepared for future competition. Stay in contact with your fellow club members, please adhere to all health guidelines. When training in public parks on the roadway it is strongly advised to give members of the public as much room as possible, there is currently an anti-runner bias out there.
We look forward to the return of all to Clonliffe Harriers at the start of December.
Keep to the forefront of your thoughts the motto of this great club of ours: Nil desperandum.