The 2016 Morton Games will take place in 100 days time: July 22nd. With 100 days to go to the Meet Morton Games have launched the ‘Friends of Morton Games’. Morton Games are seeking 100 Friends of Morton Games to donate €100.00 each to the Meet.
This fund will be primarily used to ensure a successful Meet. All funds raised go directly into the Meet and in particular will assist the Meet with the provision of live streaming around the world and will also assist with other expenses which arise. Please note that all the officials and people involved in Morton Games carry out their task in a thoroughly professional manner but despite this not a single individual concerned with the Meet receives a single cent. All involved in this Meet give willingly, voluntarily and freely of their time and expertise.
All funding which is raised for Morton Games through either sponsorship, grants or donations goes into ensuring that Morton Games can bring the best athletes available to our capital city to compete in front of the Dublin and Irish public.
Morton Games appeals to our friends in Clonliffe Harriers and Irish athletics to become a friend of Morton Games. All friends of Morton Games in consideration of a donation of €100.00 will have their names appear on the event website and will also receive in advance of the Meet two complimentary tickets for the Morton Games.
Please email with your name, details and the amount of your donation and you will then receive details of the bank account into which your donation can be lodged. Needless to say cheques and cash will also be gratefully accepted!